VICL has been the active voice for the boating industry since 1968. We believe that the charter industries concerns and priorities should be represented to the government and community when necessary. We are here to listen to your concerns, keep you up to date on current boating issues in the Virgin Islands to provide you with the tools to run a successful charter business.
Virgin Islands News & Community Information

Current Issues in the Boating Community
Latest Topics

The LIONFISH Invasion
I’m sure you have seen this poster at your local dive shop, marine store counter, mail service provider, and or marina but have you reported a sighting or extracted a Lionfish?
Recording can now be done from your phone in between dives!
Just visit COREVI.ORG from your phone and use the easy pre-made form to input the data. Total time…less then a minute!
If you are interested in becoming a Lionfish Responder contact the CORE Foundation’s Caribbean Lionfish Response Program coordinator for more information.

DPNR Raising Fees Despite Lack of Services for Boating Community
The VICL will be releasing an official statement on this matter very soon.We would also like to invite you to write your own letter of concern or testimonial and send it to us via email. We will be releasing an official statement and would like to include your voice as well. Please stay tuned for more information.
If you have not heard of the mooring increases and the situations surrounding the ongoing debate please click on the links below for more information.

The Dinghy Dock at YHG
Many of you have been asking about the repair of the dinghy dock at Yacht Haven Grande. The VICL is now looking into putting together a fundraiser to help make that happen. We would like to have a live music jam with the members of the VICL as our band. If you would like to participate, please shoot us an email. Also, if you don’t play music but would like to volunteer your time or a service, please email us with your idea.