Exclusive Boat Insurance Program for VICL Yacht Members
VICL Boat Insurance Program at a Discounted Premium
Ocean – Marine Program
As a marine business, there are many specialized needs related to the type of insurance coverage you require.
Theodore Tunick & Company service team can tailor an insurance package that is customized for your franchise, ensuring that you have the best possible insurance coverages to meet your specific needs. We can offer a wide range of coverages that are essential to your marina operations:
- Extended navigation east coast USA, to Brownsville, Texas, Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic Ocean, Bermuda, Bahamas, Caribbean Sea to north coast Venezuela, excluding Cuba, Columbia & Haiti unless specifically agreed.
- P&I and Passenger Liability excess limits available to $10,000,000 combined single limit.
- Comprehensive VICL schedule of additional insureds P&I included; additions at no premium charge.
- Individual policy customized to your charter coverage needs.
- New vessels added at pro-rata premium from effective date to April 1st renewal date.
- 90 Days from Inception for new surveys remaining current for 3 year survey warranty on out-of-water hauled surveys and 2 years in-water with diver’s bottom inspection subject to underwriters survey warranty guidelines.
- No limitation on navigation in tropic of cancer during hurricane season.
- Voluntary lay-ups and exiting warranties at premium credits available.
- Swimming/ snorkeling, food / beverage, kayak/ windsurfing included in coverage.
- Meets the requirements of the U.S. Dept. of the Interior – National Park Service.
- Dinghies and/or tenders covered while being towed behind main vessel, including theft.
- Self-Survey allowed for Vessels under 30 ft. regardless of age.
- Replacement Value Form (No Depreciation) available to all vessels 5 years or less, irrespective of size or value.

- Hull
- Commercial passenger
- P & I and passenger liability
- Crew liability
- Tenders
- Personal property and electronics
- Outboard motors
- Uninsured boaters coverage
- Racing coverage
- Agreed hull value
- Emergency towing
Highly Rated Boat Insurers
At Theodore Tunick & Company we continue to strive at all times to provide you with highly rated insurers and use only those intermediaries of the highest caliber.
Security for VICL Members is provided by Lloyd’s of London, a 325 year old insurance market rated “A+” by Standard and Poor. Lloyd’s wrote in excess of $22 billion of premiums in 2015. The policy is administered and issued by the Dual Group Ltd, the largest insurance underwriting agency in the world, with gross written premiums of $650 million and 400 employees in 24 offices in 13 countries. Dual is also the largest coverholder at Lloyd’s.
Duties In Event Of A Loss
Protect your vessel from further damage.
Notify Theodore Tunick & Company as soon as reasonably possible, in writing, that an incident has occurred which may give rise to a claim under your policy. Include as much detail as possible, including the location of the loss and the present position of the vessel. If injuries are involved, advise us of the extent of the injuries and provide the names and contact information for the injured parties as well as contact information for any witnesses.
- Claims may be reported to: claims@theodoretunick.com and may also be copied to Sylvia Sewer at ssewer@theodoretunick.com and Geo-Ann Strann at gstrann@theodoretunick.com.
- Obtain a repair estimate and send it to us as soon as possible. If a surveyor has been appointed, provide the surveyor with the estimates and keep a copy for yourself.
Emergency repairs to and towing of the vessel are permissible, however, repairs to the vessel should not be carried out until the surveyor has had an opportunity to inspect the damage. Expenses which are deemed reasonable and were incurred as a result of a covered loss will be reimbursed by underwriters, subject to depreciation and the policy deductible.

Theodore Tunick & Company Dedicated VICL Member Service Team

Address: 1336 Beltjen Rd, Suite 300, St. Thomas
Tel: 340-776-7000
Website: www.theodoretunick.com
Email: VICL@theodoretunick.com